Saturday, May 30, 2015

Time to face the giant!

Our family has made an important decision.  We have walked on egg shells with nut allergies for the past 14 years.  Despite our best efforts to keep our children safe from accidental exposure to nuts, they have had serious reactions more times than we are comfortable with.

June 23rd will be the beginning of the head on battle - each of our children will begin Oral
Immunotherapy with Dr. Chad Mayer in West Bloomfield.

Although all will not agree that OIT is our best option, not one has walked a day in our shoes.

Our first encounter with nut allergies was with our newborn son in 2001.  As we learned through his encounters the severity of this horrible monster called food allergies, our daughter born in 2004 was the next survivor of an accidental exposure to a pretty cookie also known as a "cashew pinwheel" during my son's school event.  And finally, our college aged daughter and older sister had her first life threatening reaction while in college.  Strangely, she had eaten nuts her entire life and at 19 years old was suddenly very allergic.

Urgent care/ER Visits, school emergencies, vacations emergencies, three ambulance rides, a dozen epinephrine injections and numerous close calls have lead to our decision to fight back.

This blog will document our journey of living with life threatening nut allergies, and the journey of facing the giant head on.  The gloves are off and we are ready!


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